Data Market Austria

  • Domain: Data management – Data markets

    Problem identification: 

    • Various participants
      • E.g., data creators, managers, analysts, service providers, aggregators
    • Centralized architectures
      • Services: search, retrieval, transaction validation and history, payments
      • Clear benefits for big suppliers of data compared to smaller suppliers
      • Cost of maintenance
    • Decentralized architectures
      • Commonalities with centralized data markets
      • Direct trades
      • Some operations are conducted in decentralized mode, e.g., 
        • Tagging
        • Validation
        • History

    Why Blockchain:

    “Utilization of blockchain technologies in order “to allow resilience through a decentralized approach towards provenance, data computation, curation, preservation, and security”

    Functional Description

    DMA’s data model consists of two main entities, namely, agents and contracts. Agents refer to the entities that can conduct transactions in the blockchain being represented by externally owned addresses. Specifically, two types of Agents are supported, Organizations and Actors. Organizations refer to legal entities, while Actors refer to physical entities representing Organizations (e.g., data creators). The contracts are utilized for implementing the aforementioned entities along with datasets (static or dynamic (as services)), memberships and licences. The exact functionality is detailed in [2] in terms of attributes and methods as implemented in the smart contracts.

    Technology used

    • Blockchain: Ethereum
      • Software: i) backend: Ethereum Virtual Machine and Solidity; ii) frontend: Ethereum JavaScript, web3.js
      • Main characteristics of the chosen blockchain: private
    • Consensus mechanism: Ethereum’s Proof-of-Work

    Current status

    Focus point commentary indicating the value of the case study in relation with learning modules

    Learning Modules Focus Points

    Consensus Proof-of-Work

    Digital Signatures Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

    Smart Contracts Solidity

    Blockchain-based Decentralized Applications Solidity and web3.js


    • No reported limitations.

    Alternatives Approaches:

    • No other similar approaches, i.e., in the context of such a large-scale project.

